Peer Growth & Lifelong Learning

Peer Growth & Lifelong Learning

sharing teaching, learning, and growing - together!

Peer Growth & Lifelong Learning (PGLL) is a continuing education program that offers facilitated learning, community engagement, personal growth, and experiential opportunities for adults with intellectual disabilities in Vermont.

We facilitate an environment of collaborative learning for people of all abilities and celebrate everyone’s unique skills, talents, and interests.

Led by Campus Facilitators Anne Alley and Anna Kremer, CCS coordinates this engaging program across five campuses:

  • Colchester
  • Hardwick
  • Lamoille
  • Newport
  • St. Johnsbury

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Participant-Driven Curriculum

Participants are the faculty and students of their own campuses.

Courses are developed by participants based on their unique interests.

Participants may choose the way in which they want to participate.

An annual class theme is determined by vote every fall semester.

Ongoing Learning

Learning is an ongoing process for all of us: we learn with and from each other.

Participants present on a wide range of relevant topics, including science, health and wellness, society and culture, and the natural world.

We learn by doing. Experiential learning gives us the opportunity to learn in intuitive ways.

Developing Leadership Skills

Through peer teaching, participants gain skills in public speaking, time management, research methods, and self-confidence.

Participants celebrate one another’s accomplishments and let each other shine!

Community Engagement

Campuses are located at public community spaces in each town.

Meaningful community engagement is determined by the participants.

Participants can attend course-related educational trips to engage with experts in their field.

Each campus participates in an annual community service project. The project is determined by class participants and assists a local organization in achieving its mission.

Strengthening Peer Connections

Participants spend time in community with their peers each week.

Collaboration across our campuses is encouraged. Participants write to pen pals from other campuses and can attend class at other PGLL locations via Zoom.

PGLL fosters personal growth by supporting and celebrating participants’ unique life experiences.

Learn more about PGLL at CCS

Contact Anna Kremer or Anne Alley, Campus Facilitators

Email Anna
Email Anne