Staff Resources

Staff Resources

Work for CCS? This is your gateway to information!

As a CCS employee, volunteer, or intern, this is the place to find valuable information resources and important agency forms.

If you have ideas for links you’d like to see included, contact Mike Reilly,.

Forms for Home Providers and Staff

Staff Training

Staff Forms

Regularly scheduled trainings

Pre-service and In-service Training
2nd and 4th weeks of each month

Therapeutic Options
4th Thursday of each month,

CPR / First Aid / BBP
3rd Wednesday of each month

Meds Administration
1st Wednesday of each month

Supported Employment Training
2nd Wednesday of each month

Annual special events

Annual In-Service Training Day
March or April
CCS is closed to consumers that day.

All-Staff Retreat
3rd Friday in September
CCS is closed to consumers that day.

For more information:

Jennifer Wolcott, QDDP
Senior Manager

Catch a Star!

We think CCS is a great place to work and we are proud of the outstanding staff that helps make CCS a special place. We also like to point out exemplary service above and beyond the call!

Each month we recognize staff members — nominated by their colleagues — who have been “caught in the act” of doing something extraordinary here at CCS.

If YOU know someone who you think deserves the “star treatment,” put your nomination in the box in the staff mail and copy room.

Awards are announced at the monthly First Thursday all-staff meeting!

Workplace Wellness

CCS is committed to employee wellness, including partnership with Invest EAP Employee Assistance Program.

We also occasionally schedule lunchtime “wellness walks” or after work classes or workshops.

Got ideas, or events you’d like to help coordinate? See or contact Karen.

Discounted Gym Membership

CCS partners with Edge Sports and Fitness to provide our staff membership at Edge facilities at a substantial discount.

See or contact Karen if you are interested.

Inclement Weather

The Executive Director may close CCS on days other than regular holidays due to severe inclement weather. During these blustery winter months we want to remind you how to find out if we are closed.

  1. Watch WPTZ, Channel 5
  2. Call our on-call system, 1-866-331-7735
  3. Call our office, the outgoing message will say that CCS is closed

2024 Holidays and Events Calendar

New Year’s Day (closed) Monday, January 1

Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday (closed) Monday, January 15

All Staff In-service Day (closed to consumers) Friday, March 1

Annual Awards Lunch Thursday April 25

Memorial Day (closed) Monday, May 27

Juneteenth (closed) Wednesday, June 19

Independence Day (closed) Thursday, July 4

CCS Family/Staff Picnic July 18 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Airport Park, Colchester
Contact Mike Reilly, Development Coordinator, 802-655-0511 for info

Labor Day (closed) Monday, September 2

All-Staff Retreat (closed to consumers) Friday, September 20

Indigenous Peoples Day (closed) Monday, October 14

Veterans Day (closed) Monday, November 11

Annual Board Meeting, November (TBA)

Thanksgiving Day Holiday (closed) Thursday, November 28

Post Thanksgiving Day (closed) Friday, November 29

Annual Holiday Celebration December

Christmas Eve Day (closed) Tuesday, December 24

Christmas Day (closed) Wednesday, December 25