

School2Work is a youth career development and job placement initiative that prepares high school students with disabilities for successful transitions to the competitive workplace.

It is home to our Youth Employment initiative, offered in collaboration with HireAbility and area high schools. We support students in exploring, gaining and maintaining employment prior to transition from high school. And we are seeing expanded opportunities in industries and careers beyond those typically slotted for workers with disabilities.

School2Work’s year-long program offers students:


  • Career exploration: work-site tours, job shadows, employment assessments, etc.
  • Work-based readiness training: informational interviews, resume building, soft skills
  • Paid work-based learning experiences: rotating internships
  • Job development/retention: individual plans for supported employment, job coaching, credential training
  • Job placements: the goal is for all students desiring employment to be employed as they transition from high school
  • Individualized services that are tailored to fit each student’s specific needs

A Collaborative Model:

School2Work is a growing collaborative made possible by local partnerships with community high schools, businesses, and Vermont Department of Vocational Rehabilitation.

It’s our partnership with local businesses that makes this program so robust, allowing students to explore careers, learn transferrable skills, build meaningful relationships, and gain job experience.

Internships (flexible from two to eight weeks) are funded through a grant provided by Vocational Rehabilitation.

Community Investment in School2Work


Want to participate or learn more?

Contact: Ashley Dubois Employment & Education Manager  (802) 655-0511

Email Ashley

Thanks for investing!

Thanks to our Foundation and Corporate Partners for investing in School2Work: