CCS is excited to introduce RoZe Yar as our newest Service Coordinator. She brings several years’ experience in human services, including work in a pre-school classroom as a behavioral interventionist for children on the autism spectrum, and with the College Steps Program during her undergraduate years.
“I am very thankful to have the opportunity to work at CCS,” RoZe said. “I look forward to learning more about the CCS community and being part of each and everyone’s journey.”
RoZe graduated from Northern Vermont University, where she studied Applied Psychology & Human Services.

Now living in Burlington, RoZe said, “I am originally from Thailand, but my family are Burmese immigrants. I have a strong connection with both cultures as well as American culture. “

When not working, RoZe said, “I like to take care of myself. I do that by taking a nice hike on the weekend, playing tennis, and going to gym. This year, I am also working on learning how to garden.”
Welcome aboard, RoZe, and best of luck!