September is suicide prevention month, and on September 13, the annual Vermont Suicide Prevention Symposium will return to an in-person format in Randolph – promoting learning, hope, and action on this critical issue for all Vermonters. Follow this link for more information about the agenda, speakers, and registration:
This event is open to the public and all are welcome. Tickets are $100 each and include breakfast, lunch, and all materials. Licensed providers can earn CEUs for an additional $25 fee. Scholarships are available.
“We envision a gathering which fosters connection, growth, and support for anyone navigating the complexities of suicide – whether personally, professionally, or with loved ones,” said Alex Lehning, Executive Director of the Vermont Collaborative for Practice Improvement & Innovation (VCPI). “The data is clear – we know that Vermonters are more at-risk for death by suicide, suicide attempts, and self-harm compared to the national average. The more we can talk about it, the more we can help save lives,” said Lehning.