Meet Andrew

Meet Andrew


“CCS is a place that I leave at the end of each day knowing I made an individual’s life just a little bit better. And they made my life just a little
bit better.”~ Andrew Rea

Life has not always been easy for me, but that is what makes life fun. I love being challenged every day.

I never really knew “what I wanted to be when I grew up” because I did not have a typical childhood. I worked at the local Hannaford’s during high school and I did not have time to really consider what I wanted to do. The one thing always stood out is that I wanted to find a way to help people and entertain people.

I shifted careers to Howard Center, but Covid came calling, and an injury put me on the sideline. When the pandemic was ending, my amazing wife showed me an ad for a place called CCS. I knew instantly after reading the mission statement that this was where I wanted to be. So, I fixed up my resume and applied and they took a chance on me and boy has it ever paid off. I started out as a Direct Support Professional, working with and learning from some amazing individuals.

Now, I am proud to say I am one of the newest members of the service coordination team and loving every minute of it. Yes, at times I am being pulled in 15 different ways, but it is a challenge and like I said – I love being challenged. Our willpower is what pushes us to do good in this world and be amazing individuals.