Monthly Archives: January 2025

CCS is pleased to welcome Sadie Gaffin, Service Coordinator, as he newest member of our Management team!...
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CCS is pleased to welcome Matthew McClintic, Employment Specialist, as the newest member of our Way2Work team!...
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Able House Expanding housing options to meet the needs of Vermonters. Our colleagues at Northwestern Counseling & Support Services (NCSS), in collaboration with the Vermont Department of Disabilities, Aging, and Independent Living, will operate a six-bed residential care home in...
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Join us for the 10th Annual Mental Health Advocacy Day on January 29th from 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. at the Statehouse and the Vermont Supreme Courthouse Auditorium. Hundreds of mental health advocates and over 50 co-sponsoring organizations and their network will be...
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Children’s mental health in Vermont and across the U.S. is in crisis. Read this article in VTDigger to learn how our colleagues at Northeast Family Institute (NFI) and other Vermont Care Partners (VCP) agencies are addressing the needs of children and...
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CCS will be closed Mon., January 20th in celebration of Martin Luther King Day. “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’ ”...
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Join our team as Outreach Coordinator! Great opportunity to help promote our organization and work, and connect to our community. Check out details on this and other openings here!...
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With Vermont facing an unprecedented housing crisis, citizens with intellectual and developmental disabilities face significant risk of homelessness. Read how Vermont Care Partners (VCP) agencies are responding in ways that promote well-being and autonomy in the first of a series...
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Registration for Mental Health Advocacy Day is now open!Every year, advocates join together to raise their voices in support of mental health. This year is no exception. We’ll meet in person on Wednesday, January 29, from 8:00 a.m. to 4...
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